1. How are we ensuring that the Sensitive data of employee (DoB, Mobile Number, Name) stays within the App and is not used for any other purposes (by anyone, including Immunity Health)?

Our database is encrypted with industry accepted standards. Immunity Health does not have access to any personally identifiable information of our customers (your employees) which includes information such as Name, DoB and mobile number.

Furthermore, our database itself is further secured through industry accepted standards as well. Therefore, you can be rest assured that customer information is secured within our platform and is not used for other purposes by anyone, including us.

2.Will employee consent be required to share their personal data with external vendor?

Yes – employees need to share their explicit consent (to share their personal data) with us when they first register on the app. Immunity Health’s endeavour is to continue to protect our customers (your employees) by offering protection products / services in the future.

In this case as well, customers will need to provide their explicit consent to buy these products / services and for sharing any of their information which may be required at that stage (e.g. their address).

3. Will it track movement of employees too?

No – the app will not track movement of employees and will never do so in the future. In fact, whether to provide permission to access their location or not is completely discretionary and left to our customers (your employees).

This information is used for ease of locating their residence and office address as well as to register their location if and when they scan an Immunity Health QR code.

4. Is it linked to Aarogya Setu App? How will it track the infection in vicinity of employee?

No – the Aarogya Setu and Immunity Employee Protect apps serve different purposes. Immunity Employee Protect has been designed primarily to help corporates prevent an outbreak in their facilities.

For example, in case there are symptoms / suspected infection within your organization (or within the household of your employees), our product can help you contact trace and isolate several employees. Furthermore, through our product, you can relay important communications / passes to your employees in real time (e.g. work from office / work from home etc.). Our product cannot track infections in the vicinity of the employees and beyond your organization.
